
Information About Current Worship Practices 

As disciples of Jesus, we are committed to Meaningful Worship + Life-long Faith Formation + Building Relationships + Generous Outreach. 

Children are welcome to worship too! Please visit the Children's Faith Space in the rear of the sanctuary for child friendly worship materials. A children’s message is offered every Sunday. A playroom with adjacent child friendly rest rooms is available for your use (1st door on the right down the hallway off the front end of the lobby). An additional Rest Room (also with changing tables) is located through the double doors at the rear of the lobby.

We come into God’s presence longing to be renewed by God’s Living Word and nourished at God’s Table of Grace. As the body of Christ, we aim to love and live like Jesus.

Summer Sunday Morning Worship at 9:00am

Memorial Day Weekend through Labor Day Weekend

Sunday Morning Worship 8:30 & 10:30am

Sunday School 9:30am

Sunday after Labor Day through the Sunday before Memorial Day Weekend

Fellowship Hour following worship on the 1st Sunday of the month, all year long.



Our choir ministry is currently on pause as we search for a Minister of Music. We will sing and make music again! 

Lay Eucharistic Ministry

Lay Eucharistic Ministry is an extension of our worship community to those who are no longer able to attend in-person worship. Lay Ministers are trained and commissioned to take the Word and bread and wine from the Sunday gathering to people in their places of residence.