Electronic Offering


Friedens Lutheran is pleased to offer electronic giving through electronic Funds transfers (EFT) with the Give+ Program through VANCO Payment Solutions for faith-based, non-profit organizations. Electronic giving allows you to make contributions on a recurring schedule of your choosing. There is no cost to you for this service. Donors may choose to make a one-time donation or create a profile for automatic recurring donations. Electronic giving is a convenient and secure way for your contributions to remain current. Your faithful contributions empower Friedens Lutheran Church, Oley to love and serve our neighbors as Jesus taught us to do - Thank you!

Get the App!

Go to App Store or Google Play and search "GivePlus Church"

or click one of the icons below:

Friedens Evangelical Lutheran Church | 1076 Memorial Highway (Route 73/662) | Oley, PA 19547 | 610-987-6021